Case Studies
Proactive Rental Inspection Roadmap Summary Rochester Case Study
Rochester, NY – Rochester added lead to its existing rental inspection program in 2006 and has experienced a greater drop in lead-poisoning cases than other cities across New York. […]
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Proactive Rental Inspection Roadmap Summary Cleveland Case Study
Cleveland quickly adopted a proactive rental inspection program in 2019 using a robust stakeholder process and creating likely the strongest proactive rental inspection program in the country. […]
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Proactive Rental Inspection Roadmap Summary Philadelphia Case Study
Philadelphia adopted changes in 2019 to its ineffectual rental inspection program to fix its problems. […]
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Full Lead Poisoning Prevention Resource
The complete 23-page PDF

Fill-in-the-Blank Rental Inspection Policy Generator
The 2-page fill-in-the-blank worksheet

Proactive Rental Inspection Policy Cheat Sheet
The 8-page policy cheat sheet
Research, examples and stories
Overview Recommendations
Plan of Action to End Childhood Lead Exposure, Earthjustice et al
Eliminating Lead Poisoning in New York, Best Practices Survey, Columbia Health Law Clinic Report:
Appendix B: Comparison of practices in NY and US
Appendix C: Affordable Housing Stock Before and After PRI
Appendix D: Existing PRI programs:
Appendix E: Literature Review: Health Effects of Lead Poisoning
10 Policies to Prevent and Respond to Childhood Lead Exposure, Pew Charitable Trusts
Strategic Plan to End Childhood Lead Poisoning: A Blueprint for Action, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
Lead Safe Toolkit for Home-Based Childcare, National Center for Healthy Housing
Advancing City-Level Healthy Housing: Policies, Programs, and Practices in Asthma and Lead, National League of Cities
Proactive Rental Inspection
Guide to Proactive Rental Inspection Programs, Changelab Solutions
Model Proactive Rental Inspection Ordinance Changelab Solutions
Lead Coalition Reports and Recommendations and Lead Prevention Plans
Philadelphia Lead Advisory Group Report
Philadelphia 6 month update:
Lead Safe Cleveland Policy Recommendations
Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo’s Most Vulnerable Citizens
Buffalo and Erie County Lead Safe Task Force Progress Report, October 2019
Achieving Equity in Lead Poisoning Prevention Policy Making: Proceedings from a Consensus Conference, Human Impact Partners
Lead Safe Home Summit: Build a Path to a Lead-Safe Cleveland, Lead Safe Cleveland Coalition and United Way of Greater Cleveland
Renovation, Repair and Painting
EPA’sRenovation, Repair, and Painting Rule, National Center for Healthy Housing
RRP Rule Requirement for Building Permits, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative,
EPA Not Effectively Implementing Lead-Safe Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule, EPA Office of Inspector General Report, September 2019
Case Studies
Bridging Silos, Katrina Korfmacher
Are local laws the key to ending lead poisoning? Katrina Korfmacher
Lead Poisoning Prevention Case Studies, National Center for Health Housing
Reducing Lead in Michigan, the TACTIC Project, National Center for Healthy Housing
Financing and Economics
Lead Funding Toolkit, Green and Healthy Homes Initiative
Value of Lead Prevention, Altarum
Lead in Water
Lead in the Water: Policy Options to Replacing Lead Service Lines – This webinar explored policies for states to address lead-service lines and
options for replacement, providing policymakers insight into the tools and approaches states have undertaken
to address lead in drinking water.
Lead in the Water: Financing Options to Replacing Lead Service Lines – This webinar
discussed how states are funding the replacement of lead service lines, with speakers from legislatures,
water utilities and advocacy groups discussing successful approaches.
Lead in the Water: Disclosing Lead Service Lines – This webinar presents successful
approaches states have undertaken to promote the disclosure of lead service lines to owners and buyers of
The Newark Drinking Water Crisis
Pittsburgh’s Lead Service Lines Map
Pittsburgh Agrees to Replace Thousands of Lead Pipes to Clean Up Its Drinking Water, NRDC
Lead in Soil
Example of Lead Soil Screening Event in Pittsburgh
Lead Soil from Gasoline in Philadelphia, “New Map Shows Lead’s Poisonous Path“
Public Outreach
Get Ahead of Lead, Buffalo’s Landlord Outreach Program
Lead Safety Flyer, City of Buffalo (Arabic)(Bengali)(Burmese)(English)(French)(Somali)(Spanish)(Swahili) A project by Omaha Healthy Kids Alliance to create a one-stop location for concerned families and community members to learn about lead poisoning and risks of exposure.
Don’t Play Around: This campaign out of Grand Rapids, Michigan features a website linking residents to information about lead risks in their home, resources for lead exposure and remediation and a self-assessment to gauge exposure risk.
Get the Lead Out, Grand Rapids: The Get the Lead Out! lead hazard control program began in January 2005 as a targeted effort to protect children from lead poisoning by fixing lead hazards in older homes in the city of Grand Rapids.
“Neighbor 2 Neighbor” Healthy Androscoggin teaches immigrants, refugees and asylees of all origins about lead and other home hazards
The Perfect Predator, a documentary about lead poisoning produced through Oneida’s Childhood Lead Poisoning Primary Prevention Program grant in partnership with The Oneida County Health Department, The New York State Department of Health, Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida County, Tompkins County Public Health, Steuben County Public Health, and Excellus Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Water flushing outreach: Ohio EPA, Chicago’s Flushing Protocol (English) (Spanish)
Scope of the Problem
Hidden Problem: Lead Poisoned Children in the US
Nationwide Lead Exposure Data:
Sources of Lead Exposure in Children’s Environment, Pew Charitable Trusts